Resume Blunders no one should make…

We’ve all made them: spelling mistakes, grammar errors, silly tidbits on our resumes. They stay there until one employer is kind enough to tell us, “Don’t do that! It’s what holding you back.” It’s understandable if one made a small spelling errors here and there, but how is it a professional thing to do to put that one is a single mother with six kids on … Continue reading Resume Blunders no one should make…

Forget Apple iPhone! Helio Ocean beats you all!

I was never into media hype and mainstream “stuffs”. I do not like having things that everybody has. I do not want something that everyone is wanting. So, when the Apple iPhone came out, I was not one of the people flocking to see it. John, one of the editor I am working for as a freelance writer, even offered me one. I refused becuase … Continue reading Forget Apple iPhone! Helio Ocean beats you all!